Author Archive

MUNICH > MC Müller

October 2009

Marmor&Stein DJ-Set at MC Müller ( on Wednesday, 14 October 2009. “Music for drinking, screwing around, socializing”.

Set im MC Müller war super! – Vielen Dank an alle, die gekommen sind. Hat uns sehr gefreut, Euch zu sehen. Bilder gibt’s leider keine, daran denken wir dann beim nächsten Mal.


DEMO > 2009

October 2009

Here is a little excerpt from the new Marmor&Stein album material recorded using non-professional audio equipment in different homes around the Globe between February and August 2009. There are couple of more dangling around on MySpace (Myspace is dead, isn’t it?)


1. Schwarz&Weiss /Demo/

00:00 / 00:00

Actually all songs (12) are tracked now in stellar quality somewhere within the labirynth of glorious Bayrischer Rundfunk (Oh, Boy! Those Lawo desks) with kind support by Axel Fischer-Neuschwander and are awaiting the final mixdown. Well, “don’t know where, don’t know when”…


M&S in KYIV > Xlib Club

September 2009

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